
"The 7 KEYS
to Practical Success"

Succeeding With our Team

"How to Grow Your Team Like a Wildfire!" 

Let's Go Over the Basics: 


Which two do you think will change your life?


All of them. However, #3 and #5 
will give you the biggest impact (emotionally) if you keep them. 
#2 and #4 will give you the most outward results if you
keep them. 

Examine each of these above and then call or talk to
your sponsor about them.

Let's Begin and go into detail with KEY #1: 

KEY #1:
First, Get Started

 Great job joining our team! Let's help you set your goals: 


A Positive Mental Attitude


Remember, you can do this in your spare timepart time 
or full time. You just need to understand the correct
strategy to succeed: 

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire.
You can't get very far unless you change it.


Think about this: 

The Success System That Never Fails.

First you need INSPIRATION to take action.
Second you need "Know-how" to begin the action correctly
Third you need "Activity-knowledge" or experience and practice
(from doing it over and over again) to succeed with the action. 

Keep in mind that your Thoughts effect your Emotional Feelings
Your Emotional Feelings effect your Habits.
Your Habits effect your Actions
Your Actions effect your Results

Emotional Feelings

Start off thinking about your Thoughts

"If my mind can concieve it and my heart can believe it,
then I know I can achieve it
Napolean Hill

Your thoughts and emotional feelings effect your HABITS

In order to create a habit, focus on doing something easy
every day
. Don't make it hard or intimidating. Keep in 
mind it's NOT so much about the activity, it's about creating 
the habit

Your habits will make or break you.

That's why its so important to read inspiring things each
day to motivate you so that you will develope those habits that will
drive your actions to create successful results in time.

If you do ten activities each day, try to make each of these
succesfful. Better to do two or three things successfully
each day then 10 incomplete.

The more things you can do each day successfully, the better.
But don't burn yourself out. Just go at a good pace and complete
each action you do successfully.   


Many successfully completed actions will accumulate
each week and create more and more overall success!


A Written Plan of Action

Now you're going to contact your Sponsor and go over 
your written goals with them. :) 
However, before you write them down consider a few things: 

How much TIME do you have to work on your business? 

You can work this in your spare time, part-time or full-time!
How many hours per day/week do you want to work on it?
One hour a day? Two hours, three or four?
Or just a few hours on a Saturday...

It honestly doesn't matter what you decide, but whatever
time you choose, just make sure you keep it consistently!

Why? Because it's the HABIT that counts the most here
(not the time you spend). Good habits will make you, and bad 
habits will break you. 

How much money do you have to invest in your business? 

This is an important question because the bigger your online
assets are, the more money you can potentially earn. 
the better your tools are, the more effective you can become. 

PLS gives you most of the tools you need to succeed. However, 
AWeber is another tool that greatly helps your emails have a better 
delivery rate. There are also advertising tools that can help you
and so forth. 

Now continue with KEY #2 and we will come back to the goals
at the end of this training. 

KEY #2:
Advertise your business every day.

You must advertise your business every day!
Why? Because if you're not advertising, then your business
is NOT moving forward. If your business was a car, then it 
would be in "park". You want your business to be in "drive"
and moving forward.

It's important to realize that you
need to advertise every day, even if it's only for a short 
period of time.
The habit is more important than the 
amount of time spent.

My mentor used to say, that if 
I didn't advertise that day, and it was time to go to bed,
then just throw a business card out the door! Will that
have any effect? Probably not. But at least you 
kept your habit of advertising and it will encourage 
you to do better tomorrow! 

1) Begin advertising by going to the "Advertising" Tab on the YBY home page. 

Then scroll down to learn how to set up your first ads.

KEY #3:
Contact your workout partner
every day.

This is such an important Key to duplication!

My workout partner and I basically share what 
we've been doing that day and what we've achieved, done, or failed at. 

If you can be consistent in reaching out and connecting with your workout
partner each day 
(or sponsor / coach at the beginning) then you can encourage each other 
as time goes by and share with each other your successes and failures
and learn from each other.

Eventually, you both will become experts in this business
and it will show. But this takes time and 
persistence to stay in the game. 

Eventually, my workout partner quit and the impact was almost devastating
on me
as we had been building for years together. However, I could not 
let someone else dictate my success or failure for me
and I went and found
a new workout partner. Eventually, I found Elizabeta and we really 
began to do some amazing things together. 

Don't be sad that you may not have the workout partner you really 
Everything good comes with time and when you're ready and
when you've been tested in the "fire" to see if you're 
really going to be around for the long haul, then amazing things 
will come your way! 

 KEY #4: 
Learn and implement the 5
Critical Skills Every Day

The total formula for success working online (and offline)
is to learn the
 5 Critical Skills

If you don't learn these skills, then you will eventually find yourself 
failing and we want you to succeed! So please go through the 
"Steps to Six Figures" training so we can help you learn them! 

So there are two strategies concerning this: 

Strategy For Beginners
(If you're NEW to our system):

For those still learning about this business, this KEY
MEANS to go through the TRAINING each day. 

Don't forget to come back here when you need to refresh
yourself on how well you're keeping the 7 KEYS to Duplication.

Strategy For Advanced Users
(if you've gone through our system):

For those who have gone through the training, this 
KEY means to work on one or more of the
5 Critical Skills each day/week.


It's very normal for Elizabeta and me to work on 3 of 
the 5 Critical Skills every single day.
We each advertise each day, 
build our list each day (a natural result of Critical Skills #1 & 2), and
communicate with those who email us back (and write an email to our
whole email list each day). So Skills #1, #3 & #4 are things we do EVERY day.

However, when I see that people are no longer responding to my capture pages 
that I'm advertising,
then I take special time that day to make a new
capture page (Skill #2) and will try and finish it that day. If that's the only
skill I work on that day, so be it because if I don't finish it, that will be 
a whole new day that I will not get subscribers and
not be able to build my list.

Also, whenever Elizabeta and I come up with a great new idea
for a funnel (Skill #5) to bring our team or prospects through, then we will work
on that (but we still will manage to find time to do Skill #1, #3, and #4)
before we begin skill #5. I mean, writing this right now so you can read it
and get help from it is part of Critical Skill #5! 

So I hope this simple explanation helps you understand some 
of our daily and weekly habits. Jim Rohn used to always talk 
about "successful people master the fundamentals". And that's 
exactly what the 5 Critical Skills are: the fundamentals.

 KEY #5
Listen to personal development
every day.

"In order for things to change, YOU must be willing to CHANGE."
Jim Rohn

Key #5 is one of the most LIFE-CHANGING habits you can start doing! 

We suggest that you take time each day to listen to 
personal development when you're on your way to work in the car or 
when you have some downtime at lunch and can read a little or when you
get home.

I personally listen to Audible when I'm driving each day. 

"Formal education will earn you a living
but self-education will earn you a fortune."
Jim Rohn

"Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book."
Jim Rohn

Listen to this and see how it will CHALLENGE
and change you! 


“All SUCCESSFUL people I know and work with around the world are GREAT READERS.
They just read, read, read. They are so curious that they are driven to read because
they just have to know. It is one of the things they all have in common.

Here is a good phrase: All leaders are readers.” *

Quote by Jim Rohn
*emphasis added

  “Rohn spent much of his life advocating for the power of self-discipline,
and he delivered his seminars for more than 40 years.
He died in 2009 with a net worth of more than $500 million dollars”

Watch this video: 

 Watch this important video to understand
how we succeed. You do NOT want to skip this!



Dynamic (yet very basic) strategy learned from Jim Rohn's book:
"The Seasons of Life".

"Water, plant, nourish, protect
& finally harvest."

Are you studying personal development?
What books have you read? What books do you plan on reading?

First Start By Reading This: 
(very important)

Click on Title: 

Our NEXT suggestion is to read "The Science of Getting Rich"
By Wallace Wattles. 

This article discusses more about "The
Science of Getting Rich":

The Six Keys
Click here.

Books we also suggest: 

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen
The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clayson
Think And Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
The Twelve Pillars by Jim Rohn & Chris Widener
Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini 

You can find these books in AE Store. 

Find Out More About The Greatest
Quotes from Jim Rohn!


"What you BECOME is far more important
than what you GET...
" Jim Rohn

"Success is neither magical nor mysterious.
Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying
basic fundamentals.
" Jim Rohn

"We must all wage an intense, lifelong battle against the constant downward pull.
If we relax, the bugs, the weeds of negativity will move into the garden
and take away everything of value.
" Jim Rohn 

These are just a few…

 Don't forget, let this Key become a daily habit and 
truly change your life as it has mine. You will not regret it!

You might regret a little of the time it takes from your day
but over months and years, this will change you from the inside
and you will never be the same again!

KEY #6:
Contact your team at least once a week.

Personal Free Team Coaching! Take advantage of this
awesome free program to help you every day!

This is important so you can learn and keep growing,
stay connected to the team, keep motivated, hear the latest news,
learn from your leaders, and have just have FUN!

You can join your team on Zoom each night

Simply enter Babo1.com/sb19 into your browser
and then come on in! 

Daily Events: (MON - FRI)
9:30: PM EST - 12:00 PM EST

KEY #7:
Attend a webinar or seminar every 
month, a live event each year, and be 
here a year from now

This is essential to staying motivated, learning the newest strategies
and creating excitement among your team. This is one of the biggest reasons
that your team will get excited and duplicate! I've literally seen teams 
double and quadruple after team webinars, seminars, and live events!

The cost of the webinar may be more than you want to pay but 
remember that
YOU are your BIGGEST ASSET so don't penny-pinch
on building yourself to grow and become better!


Bookmark this Training KEY page so you can remind yourself
of the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly commitments you've made to
your business to create success.

When you've finished the YBY Training, then instead of going 
through the training each day, work on one or more of the 5 Critical Skills each day
and slowly master them. You will see more and more success 
working online as you do!


Complete Your Goals: 

Write down your written goals and send them by
email, text or mail to your coach.


1) How much time you have to work on your business
and the times you wish to work on it during the week.

2) How much money you have to invest in your business and/or
how much money you have to invest in your business monthly? 

This will really help you understand how fast you can move ahead
and help us understand what kind of profits you can
make from your assets. 

3) What is the most important thing you've learned from this training?
Share these all with your Coach by email now. 

Great work! 

We Look forward
to helping you succeed! :)


~Albie & Elizabeta

Don't forget to bookmark this page
so you can connect with us!

Connect with us here at:
Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692
Skype: SailingwithAlbie